Thursday 23 December 2010

Top 5 Christmas Review

As the country lies beneath a beautiful but debilitating carpet of snow and ice we know that we are fast approaching that all important time of year, Christmas. And for many this triggers memories of the year gone by and visions of what lies ahead.

In the wonderful world of football this festive season does just that. We can cast our minds back to August and the start of the new Premiership campaign, assessing the ups and downs of the 20 clubs in this top division, how they have performed and kept us salivating for more. We will inevitably look at what the new year shall bring with it, whom shall be the champs and whom shall be the chumps- and it's the champs where I'll be concentrating on.

I must at this point nibble on a bit of my hat, as at the start of 2010-2011 campaign I bullishly forced my opinion that Chelsea were to be unchallenged in their quest for back to back titles. However, boy have I been proved wrong in the past few weeks!

Much like the country has ground to a halt, with many of us going nowhere fast, Chelsea have mirrored the rest of us by doing just that. After such a storming start they have appeared to have forgotten where the accelerator pedal is and have gradually slowed to almost a halt, having taken so few points from so many games.

It seems there must be more to the mysterious departure of Ray Wilkins as it is surely more than a coincidence that they currently lack the vigorous energy with which they kicked off the season with. Wilkins was the glue that held Chelsea together, keeping players, staff and manager a tight well oiled machine running at full pelt.

Chelsea's’ recently postponed game with Manchester Utd was always going to be a big one, but it has a much higher meaning with them not sitting pretty atop mount Olympus like Zeus surveying his inferiors. I’m sure, secretly, all at Chelsea have thanked the awful weather for giving them some more time to find their feet and rhythm again so as they can dance a better tango when they do meet their closest rivals for the title.

Whoops! I hope I haven’t upset you Gooners but as much as any neutral fan would want to see their beautiful craft on the pitch rewarded, I still feel that they don’t have the bite and strength to go toe to toe with the perennial top 2.

Wenger's young side have again wowed us with some stunning pass and go football, strong team work and individual greatness (take a bow Mr Nasri), but have also failed to put themselves forward as true challengers by struggling to take points off those teams around them. In fact they have found a new sticking point to their eternal quest for glory, Tottenham Hotspur.

Oh the agony for the Gooners as Spurs have moved themselves too close for comfort in the title race and congratulations to them for we now have 5 teams who can scrap for the coveted Premiership top 4 places.

Spurs’ exciting outings in the Champions league have certainly done enough for not just the English fans to take them seriously for the first time in a long time, but also footballing fans across the globe. They still have a long way to go mind to forever cement themselves as an established top Premiership side, but one feels that 2 or 3 more top quality signings should do just that. They have the stability and grounds to build upon, something they have not had for a very long time.

One club who are trying to do what Tottenham are and must be looking down country with a touch of envy is of course Manchester City. Granted they are for the moment a few steps ahead of Spurs in the table but they are many miles behind in building their success from stable ground.

You can’t help but think of the old story about the king who repeatedly built his castle on sand only to see it sink into the mire but never the less starting again each time it did.

They are of course trying to do it at breakneck speed and with that intensity comes a higher pressure that can strangle a club as they try to ascend to the highest perch. Roberto Mancini has the most, and at the same time least enviable job in football, a tardis like bank account and patient fans, but also volatile players and watch tapping superiors.

So what lies in store for these high flyers come the new year? To be honest I feel a little shy and a lot less sure of who is going to take the crown! The gut feelings of many I’m sure is almost certainly either Chelsea or Manchester Utd, with Arsenal pushing them to the wire.

As long as Mancini can keep his troops in line, then Manchester City shall also be marching towards the top with serious intent. Although they may have to wait for another year when a bit more of the tornado dust has settled at Eastlands, before trophies and success gush their way.

Harry's’ Spurs side are a gleeful addition to the mix and their slightly slower ascension will pay dividends in the future. With less money to throw at the transfer market they too shall have to wait for a few more years before they can hang those winners medals round their necks.

But hey, whoever and whatever! It’s damned exciting!